Albuquerque DSA News

Albuquerque DSA Newsletter #1 -ABQ Criminalizing Not Having Shelter + Much More

Written by Albuquerque DSA | Sep 14, 2024 6:28:18 PM

Our next DSA meeting is going to be Saturday, September 28, 2024 1:15 pm to 2:30 pm at the International District library. We’d love to see you there but we will send out a Zoom link if you can’t make it in person. We will also be sending out a poll to our due paying members soon on who we should endorse for the November elections. We do have a DSA member, Eleanor Chavez, running for district 26 in the state house.

If you’re not already on our discord and need an invite link or if you need any technical help reach out to us at

Albuquerque DSA strongly opposes City Ordinance 0-24-42 which would criminalize homelessness under the guise of "public safety."

This ordinance targets some of the most vulnerable members of our community. It grants broad discretion to law enforcement to determine when and how to enforce these measures, allowing them to target individuals based on mere presence in public spaces. This level of discretion opens the door to abuses of power and further marginalization of unhoused individuals, many of whom are already at the mercy of an underfunded and inadequate social safety net.

It will also criminalize any form of "obstructing" any side walk in the downtown district this includes lying, sitting, kneeling, crouching, as well as carrying/placing signs. Which would easily criminalize any form of protesting.

The city council will be meeting on Monday at 5pm to discuss this and will take public comment from the first 30 people that signup if anyone would like to speak. To sign up to speak you must go to a link on the day of the meeting. You can do this over zoom, does not have to be in person. For more info on how to attend this meeting or to speak see the CABQ instructions here:

To see our full statement on this click here.

What’s happening around the world

Israel’s “Right To Rape” Rallies

In July when video of Palestinians being raped and tortured in Israeli concentration camps was leaked a Jan 6th style rally…for the right to rapebroke out in the streets of Israel. The rioters in the streets wanted Israeli soldiers to have the right to rape Palestinians and for all soldiers being held for the crime to be released. One of the IDF soldiers, who raped a Palestinian man to death, is now a celebrity in Israel. Various government officials have come out in support of the rapists. Coverage in our media…outside of a few buried online articles… has been almost non-existent.

DNC and Gaza

Kamala Harris has not criticized Israel in any way and has helped the Biden administration lie about who is holding up the cease fire deal which Hamas agreed to months ago. At the DNC convention they refused to allow any Palestinian speakers even though they made room for many right wingers, including a Q-anon sympathetic sheriff. This is the same DNC where anyone wearing a palestinian flag was quickly kicked out and a hijab wearing women holding up a cease fire now sign was beat over the head with a “we love joe biden” sign on the convention floor. The same DNC where Hasan Abi, a twitch streamer who supported the uncommitted campaign, was kicked out in the middle of an interview with the New York times. Kamala also reinforced the debunked October 7th rape allegations against Hamas while she didn’t mention anything about the actual proven rapes of Palestinians in Israeli concentration camps and the Israeli government’s support for those rapes.

Another American Citizen Killed By IDF In West Bank

A brave American citizen, Aysenur Ezgi, was killed earlier this week while she was peacefully protesting in the west bank. She was shot in the head by a IDF sniper located hundreds of meters away. Normally when an American citizen is killed abroad the FBI investigates. As it has done with countless other Israeli atrocities the Biden administration has said it will allow Israel to investigate itself on this brutal murder. It’s been almost 7 months since Hind Rajab was killed with her entire family. The first responders trying to recover Hind were also murdered on a road the Israel government told them to use. The US government is still waiting for the results of an Israeli “investigation” into the matter.

Al Jazeera released a heart wrenching documentary called “The Night That Won’t End” to document just one night in Gaza. It is a must watch if you want to understand the horrors of how Israel is behaving in this “war”. Watch the full documentary for free here (note this documentary is extremely disturbing):

French Liberals Siding With Fascists...Again

Emmanuel Macron ignores elections where left wing won and appoints a fascist as prime minister instead. This has happened throughout history, Germany 1932 being a famous example. In another win for materialist analysis the left predicted this in 2017 where the Jacobin had the following headline “Macron 2017 = Le Pen 2022”. You can read more about the prime minister he appointed by clicking here.

Some random socialist facts

China isn’t perfect. There are many criticisms everyone has heard from our media (some very real some imagined). However, they have had massive successes that are never mentioned in the same media outlets so we wanted to highlight a few of them here.

Currently China is installing the wind and solar equivalent of five large nuclear power stations per week. They are the global leader in solar and EV production. Unfortunately the Biden administration is forbidding their renewable energy resources to be imported into the United States. Lifting this embargo would make renewable energy far more affordable for everyone. The cheap crap on Walmart shelves is allowed to come in without an issue, but something that would help our climate and our energy prices is banned.

China has lifted 800 million people out of poverty. It has the highest home ownership rate in the world of 96% compared to 65% in the US. They have built more high speed rail in the last year than the rest of the world has in the current century. Instead of highlighting any of these successes our media has been predicting the fall of China any day now for the last decade.

According to Stephen Kotkin’s biography on Stalin the USSR in 1928 had 117 PhD students enrolled in technical fields like science and engineering. Not 117 thousand, 117 period. One generation later the soviets had beat the United States into space.