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Who We Are

What We Do



Welcome to the Albuquerque chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)! We are a grassroots organization dedicated to building a more just and equitable society through collective action and democratic socialist principles.

Our Mission

Our mission is to fight for a world where people come before profit, and where democracy is extended to all aspects of life—political, social, and economic. We aim to achieve this through organizing, education, and direct action. Specifically, we focus on the following areas:

  • Economic Justice: We advocate for policies that ensure a fair distribution of wealth and resources. This includes supporting living wages, workers' rights, and the establishment of a universal basic income.

  • Housing Justice: Albuquerque faces a significant housing crisis. We work to secure affordable housing for all residents, fight against unjust evictions, and support the development of community land trusts.

  • Climate Action: The climate crisis disproportionately affects marginalized communities. We push for a Green New Deal that prioritizes renewable energy, public transportation, and environmental justice.

  • Healthcare for All: We believe that healthcare is a human right. We advocate for Medicare for All to ensure that every person has access to quality healthcare, regardless of their financial situation.

  • Racial Justice: Systemic racism pervades many aspects of society. We strive to dismantle racist policies and practices, support the Black Lives Matter movement, and work towards true equality and reparations for marginalized communities.

  • Education: We fight for fully funded public education, free college tuition, and the inclusion of comprehensive and truthful curricula that reflect the diverse histories and experiences of all people, including Indigenous Peoples.

  • Community Empowerment: We work to build power within local communities through mutual aid, neighborhood organizing, and support for local cooperatives, labor unions, and other community-run enterprises.

Albuquerque-Specific Initiatives

In Albuquerque, we are committed to addressing the unique challenges and opportunities our city presents:

  • Water Conservation: Given Albuquerque's arid climate, we support initiatives aimed at water conservation and sustainable management of our natural resources.

  • Indigenous Rights: Albuquerque is home to a significant Indigenous population. We actively collaborate with local Indigenous groups to support their sovereignty, cultural preservation, and rights.

  • Immigration Justice: As a city with a large immigrant community, we advocate for the rights of immigrants and refugees, including providing sanctuary and supporting policies that protect and empower these communities.

  • Public Safety Reform: We work towards transforming public safety to focus on community-based solutions, reducing the reliance on policing, and addressing the root causes of crime, such as poverty and lack of services.

  • Food Security: We support urban farming, community gardens, and policies that ensure all Albuquerque residents have access to healthy, affordable food.

Get Involved

We believe that everyone has a role to play in the fight for justice. Whether you're a seasoned activist or new to organizing, we have a place for you. Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Attend a Meeting: Our general meetings are held monthly. We also hold monthly social events open to the public. Check our website or social media for updates.
  • Volunteer: We need volunteers for events, canvassing, phone banking, and more.
  • Donate: Support our work by making a donation. Every contribution helps us fund our campaigns and organize more effectively.
Book Club

Join our book club to dive deep into socialist theory and practice.

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