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Social and Economic Justice

We believe in creating a society where all people have access to the resources and opportunities they need to live a dignified life. This includes:

  • Affordable Housing: Advocating for rent control, affordable housing development, and policies that prevent homelessness.
  • Healthcare for All: Supporting Medicare for All and local initiatives that provide comprehensive healthcare to every resident.
  • Living Wage: Fighting for a minimum wage that matches the cost of living in Albuquerque and supporting policies that ensure fair pay for all workers.
  • Robust Social Safety Net: Promoting programs that provide food security, unemployment benefits, childcare, and other essential services to those in need.
Democracy and Participation

We advocate for a truly democratic society where the voices of all people are heard and valued. This includes:

  • Participatory Democracy: Encouraging community assemblies, participatory budgeting, and other forms of direct democracy in local governance.
  • Electoral Reform: Supporting measures like ranked-choice voting, public campaign financing, and increased access to voting to ensure fair representation.
  • Internal Democracy: Ensuring that our own organization operates democratically, with transparent decision-making processes and active member involvement.
Environmental Sustainability

We are committed to fighting climate change and protecting our environment. This includes:

  • Sustainable Development: Promoting policies that support green infrastructure, sustainable agriculture, and urban planning that reduces environmental impact.
  • Renewable Energy: Advocating for the transition to 100% renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, and opposing fossil fuel projects.
  • Conservation Efforts: Supporting initiatives to protect Albuquerque’s natural resources, including water conservation, reforestation, and wildlife preservation.
Solidarity and Community

We stand in solidarity with all oppressed and marginalized communities. This includes:

  • Anti-Racism: Working to dismantle systemic racism through education, policy change, and support for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities.
  • Gender Equality: Fighting for equal rights and opportunities for all genders, including supporting reproductive rights and combating gender-based violence.
  • LGBTQ+ Rights: Advocating for the rights and inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals, opposing discriminatory laws, and promoting safe, affirming spaces.
  • Disability Justice: Ensuring accessibility in all public spaces and policies that support the rights and needs of people with disabilities.
Workers’ Rights

We support the rights of workers to organize and fight for better conditions. This includes:

  • Union Support: Standing with unions in their efforts to strike, negotiate fair wages, benefits, and working conditions, and opposing anti-union legislation.
  • Worker Cooperatives: Promoting the establishment and growth of worker-owned businesses as a means to achieve economic democracy.
  • Labor Protections: Advocating for stronger labor laws that protect workers from exploitation, unsafe conditions, and unfair treatment.

We oppose imperialist wars and interventions. This includes:

  • Opposing Military Interventions: Standing against U.S. military actions that destabilize other nations and supporting peaceful, diplomatic solutions to conflicts.
  • Stance on Palestine: We call for an immediate ceasefire and oppose the ongoing genocide and occupation of Palestine. We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom, justice, and self-determination. We support efforts to end the occupation, ensure human rights, and achieve a just and lasting peace.
  • Fair Trade Policies: Advocating for trade agreements that prioritize human rights, environmental standards, and fair labor practices over corporate profits.
  • Global Solidarity: Supporting international movements for self-determination and justice, and opposing exploitation by multinational corporations.
Equity and Inclusion

We are committed to fostering an inclusive organization that represents the diverse experiences and perspectives of our community. This includes:

  • Representation: Ensuring that leadership and membership reflect the diversity of Albuquerque, including BIPOC, LGBTQ+, women, and disabled individuals.
  • Inclusive Practices: Implementing policies and practices that create an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued, such as providing language access and addressing barriers to participation.
  • Empowerment: Providing opportunities for marginalized voices to lead and shape the direction of our organization and our campaigns.