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What is democratic socialism?

Capitalism is a system designed by the owning class to exploit the rest of us for their own profit. We must replace it with democratic socialism, a system where ordinary people have a real voice in our workplaces, neighborhoods, and society.

We believe there are many avenues that feed into the democratic road to socialism. Our vision pushes further than historic social democracy and leaves behind authoritarian visions of socialism in the dustbin of history.

We want a democracy that creates space for us all to flourish not just survive and answers the fundamental questions of our lives with the input of all. We want to collectively own the key economic drivers that dominate our lives, such as energy production and transportation. We want the multiracial working class united in solidarity instead of divided by fear. We want to win “radical” reforms like single-payer Medicare for All, defunding the police/refunding communities, the Green New Deal, and more as a transition to a freer, more just life. 

We want a democracy powered by everyday people. The capitalist class tells us we are powerless, but together we can take back control.

What is the Albuquerque DSA?

The Albuquerque DSA is the Albuquerque chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, the largest socialist organization in the United States. We are dedicated to building a just and equitable society through grassroots organizing, advocacy, and community engagement.

What does the ABQ DSA do?

We engage in a variety of activities to promote social and economic justice, including:

  • Organizing campaigns for affordable housing, healthcare for all, and living wages.
  • Hosting educational events and workshops on socialism and related topics.
  • Participating in local and national elections to support candidates who align with our values.
  • Building coalitions with other progressive organizations and community groups.
  • Providing mutual aid and support to those in need in our community.
When are your meetings? Do I have to pay dues to attend one?

You do not have to pay dues to attend a meeting and everyone is welcome to attend. Our meetings typically take place once or twice a month and for updates about when and where they will be check out our social medias or website for updates.

How can I join the ABQ DSA?

Joining the ABQ DSA is easy! You can become a member by visiting the national DSA website and signing up. Once you’re a member, you’ll receive updates on local meetings, events, and opportunities to get involved. We welcome everyone who is committed to building a better world.

Do I need to be a socialist to join?

While many of our members identify as socialists, you do not need to be a socialist to join. We welcome anyone who shares our commitment to social and economic justice, democracy, and equality. If you’re interested in learning more about socialism, we offer plenty of resources and educational events to help you explore these ideas.

What is the DSA’s stance on Palestine?

We call for an immediate ceasefire and oppose the ongoing genocide and occupation of Palestine. We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle for freedom, justice, and self-determination. We support efforts to end the occupation, ensure human rights, and achieve a just and lasting peace.

What are your main priorities?

Our main priorities include:

  • Social and Economic Justice: Ensuring everyone has access to affordable housing, healthcare, a living wage, and a robust social safety net.
  • Democracy and Participation: Promoting participatory democracy and electoral reforms to ensure fair representation. This includes endorsing candidates who allign with our values. 
  • Environmental Sustainability: Advocating for sustainable development, renewable energy, and conservation efforts.
  • Solidarity and Community: Standing in solidarity with oppressed and marginalized communities and fighting against all forms of oppression.
  • Workers’ Rights: Supporting the rights of workers to organize and fight for better conditions.
  • Anti-Imperialism: Opposing imperialist wars and interventions and standing in solidarity with global movements for justice.
  • Equity and Inclusion: Fostering an inclusive organization that represents the diverse experiences of our community.
How can I get involved?

There are many ways to get involved with ABQDSA:

  • Attend Meetings: Join our regular meetings to learn about ongoing campaigns and how you can help.
  • Join a Committee: Get involved with one of our committees focused on specific issues or projects.
  • Participate in Events: Attend rallies, workshops, and community events organized by ABQDSA.
  • Volunteer: Help with canvassing, phone banking, mutual aid, and other volunteer opportunities.
  • Donate: Support our work by making a financial contribution to help fund our campaigns and initiatives.
How is ABQ DSA funded?

ABQDSA is funded through membership dues, donations, and fundraising events. We rely on the support of our members and the community to sustain our work and advance our mission.

How can I stay updated on ABQDSA activities?

You can stay updated by:

  • Signing Up for Our Newsletter: Receive regular updates on our activities, events, and campaigns.
  • Following Us on Social Media: Stay connected with us on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
  • Attending Meetings and Events: Get involved and stay informed by participating in our meetings and events.
What are your bylaws?

Our bylaws can be seen and downloaded Here.